Saturday, April 28, 2012

So. Still here. Still not really embracing this blogging thing.


Is this thing on?

Didn't think so.

For some reason, I can't quite decide to start blogging. And yet, I obviously can't completely let it go, either.

Maybe this year will be different.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quarterly non-update.

Still nothing to see here.

Seriously, not much going on.

All right, if you insist. Check out Slate. It always rocks.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


If you've stumbled across this blog, there. . . isn't much here. I mostly wanted to reserve the URL for future use. Sorry!

If you are so bored that you have reached this, possibly the end of the internet, might I suggest you head over to Feministing? There is always something interesting going on over there.
